Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Christmas Organizing Week 5..


~ Sit down and write the holiday cards, depending on how many you send out it may take a few days if you just do a few a day.  Put the stamps on them and keep them in a basket next to your car keys so you don’t forget to mail them. 

~ Check your extra chairs and the leaf in the dining table. Make sure you have everything in good repair.  

~ Pull out your Christmas dishes and check to make sure all are in good condition, washed, and replace any that need to be.

~Pull out your Table Cloth and napkins as well and launder those, iron them etc. then fold them all nicely and keep in a basket near your dining table for easy access.  

~ Start purchasing the gifts on your list. To help your budget go farther think  about things like the gift of experience…send your parents to a comedy show, or send your friends a gift certificate to one of those fancy movie theaters now, give an aquarium membership etc. to a family. These things are much more fun and don’t clutter up your friends and families house. 

~ Get your holiday music cd’s ready and put near the stereo, or download a Christmas station to Pandora or your ipod etc.

Happy Organizing!

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