The first goal most people have in January is to lose weight, the second under that is to get organize and most people are not even sure where to start. Personally I recommend starting with Paper. Specifically mail. The reason being a lot of our clutter comes in through the mail, and I don't just mean the paper in your mailbox, that includes the papers that comes home with our kids in the form of field trip forms, play flyers, sports info, homework to be signed, etc. etc. etc. It seems it multiplies overnight or even in front of your eyes. Add that to the bills, and other stuff that comes in and your space can quickly become overwhelming and sometimes even paralyzing.
I recommend the first thing you do is set up a "family command center". I know I have blogged about this before but I feel it is worth blogging about again because paper is the number one thing that comes into play in cluttered homes. I have organized many rooms that seemed like they had so much stuff and the majority of it was paper. Once we organized the paper part, and threw away the paper they did not need my clients were amazed to see how much they actually had. It is very freeing to control that paper problem.
A few months ago I posted how I got my paper under control and wanted to revisit it and let you know it has been very helpful for me! It was even easier to maintain then I thought. I will be honest I have tried many different systems and setups and they would work for awhile and then stop, but this system I used has really really worked because it takes the guess work out of what to do with my paper. I went from this:
I have found this so much easier to take care of. :) Yes sometimes it does get full and I have to remember to clean it out weekly or if we are being honest...every couple weeks. But it has worked well and when those papers come in I know exactly what to do with them. How to file them. I also have been a big fan of this:
Whether I am at the doc office, my kids sports practices or whatever I take some of those files from my command center and pop them right in this and it goes with me. If I am at the doc office and need to take medical history forms etc. I have it available, and when I get new forms or new info from them it goes in here, then home with me and I put it away. Easy Peasy. I have one for personal and one for organizing business. I keep my forms, catalogs, phone, keys, and of course my trusty label maker with me in it. I also always have my client files (just the file of the person I am visiting) with me so I can see whatever I need to. It has kept my car neat too. But that is a post for another day.
The products I used for my command center are the Sophisticated File Tote (mine is pink, but also comes in black and red and can be found here, File the Pile and can be found here and the Panic No More which can be found here. This last one is on special this below to find out how you can get it FREE in January.
I am offering a couple specials this month to celebrate National Organizing month. Here they are:
For every $50 in regular priced merchandise you spend you will get our "panic no more" filing system FREE (a $23 value!) & for anyone that hosts a party in January (virtual or in person) the hostess will get free shipping. OR for anyone that is interested in professional organizing services I am offering that anyone who books a 3 hour or more organizing session with me in January....virtual, or in person, will receive their consultation FREE! (a $50 dollar value) contact me for more info! I would love to help you start off your year organized.
Happy Organizing!
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