Hello everyone! I am so sorry to have been gone so long. I did not intend to take a blog break but I got so super busy with organizing clients, my kids started their new homeschool year, sports started,and a new part time job. I was presented with an opportunity to teach preschool in the mornings at a local preschool and it was a chance I could not pass up. :) My heart is always with 4 things: God, My Family, Organizing, and teaching kids. Lucky for me they all go together!
One of the key things in this new season for me was good organization and time management. It was critical that I get my time management figured out and with good scheduling I did, however as any organizer will tell you...organizing and time management is a PROCESS not a quick fix, therefore I gave it a few weeks to work out the kinks and get into my groove. Unfortunately my blog posts were a casualty in the process, but it has been on my heart and I miss writing and sharing tips with all of you. So now that we are reasonably settled in, my blog writing is back on my radar and I have some fun post ideas that I can't wait to get to!
Starting with an idea of what my schedule looks like. I don't have a picture of my printed up schedule yet because I am still retyping it, however I will give you a peak into one day so you can see how it is set up. Each day is different as we have homeschool co-op classes, I have organizing clients, the kids have sports etc. So here is a screen shot if you will of a day around here.
5:30 rise and exercise (realistically it is rise and check email, take time to wake up etc. lol)
6:00 make breakfast, set out hubby's lunch for work, do any lunch and dinner prep for day
6:30 wake kids and eat together.
7:00 shower and dress for day and oversee kids morning routine.
7:40 go over assignments with kids and answer any questions.
8:00 work
12:00 Lunch with kiddos
12:30 take boys to chess class (while waiting call organizing clients, answer business emails etc.)
2:00 home and rest time for everyone
2:30 Schoolwork with the kids, going over any questions, and overseeing any work that still needs to be finished, as well as working with the kids with their one on one assignments.
4:00 oversee afternoon chores and start dinner.
5:00 Dinner
5:30 Cheer practice with daughter (while waiting write a blog post!)
6:00 stop by an organizing clients home and give suggestions on some shelving system for the room I am helping them finish up later in the week.
7:30 home and oversee night time routine
8:00 family time
8:30 kiddos in bed and they can read till 9:00
9:00 LIGHTS OUT for kids
9:00-10:00 time with hubby
10:00 bedtime. :)
There you have it. One day in my life. Each day looks different and some are not as busy as this day, others are about the same. What does YOUR day look like?
Have an organized day!